Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"The Blue Nowhere" Blog #2

I'm now over halfway through the novel "The Blue Nowhere." I still don't know who Phate or Shawn are. It's really frightening to me to think that some of the terrible things Phate does could actually be possible. For instance, when he changed a medication order for a hospital patient just by breaking into the hospital's computer. Imagine if someone actually did something like that. And the way that he can cause power outages just by programming something into the right computer, wow! Another thing that I found myself thinking about was the technology knowledge that the children in the novel are equipped with. Jamie Turner and Bishop's son both know far more about computers than I will probably ever know. In relation to my real life, it can be intimidating as a teacher to know that your students are so beyond you in certain capacities. This is probably one area where many students outshine their teachers. One problem that I have with the novel is trying to wrap my mind around all of the technological talk. I'm afraid that I might be missing something because of my ignorance in this area.

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